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The Citadel Jerusalem travel guide

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The Citadel Jerusalem

Jerusalem travel guide

The Citadel, one of Jerusalem’s most famous sites and what used to be Herod’s palace back in the 1st century, the Citadel, situated next to Jaffa Gate, comprises a marvelous restoration area with the Tower of David in its center, The Citadel is a home for the renowned Tower of David Museum, an impressive complex of several halls, which present the history of the city throughout the ages.

In the citadel compound are archeological findings attesting to Jerusalem’s long and eventful history: remains of a quarry from the First Temple period; a segment of the wall surrounding Hasmonean Jerusalem; remains of monumental steps ; remains of a fortress that stood in this location during the rule of the Ummayid dynasty (7th and 8th centuries CE) and more. In fact, the citadel compound includes archeological findings from most of the periods in the city’s history.

Virtual tours of the The Citadel Jerusalem >>


Museum Opening Hours
September – June:
Sunday to Thursday 10:00-16:00
Friday: closed (open for group visits – advance coordination required)
Saturday, holiday eves, holidays 10:00-14:00
July – August:
Sunday to Thursday, Saturday: 10:00-17:00
Friday: 10:00-14:00

Guided tours of the permanent exhibition – for individuals
Hebrew: Mondays and Wednesdays at 10:30
(in July and August also on Fridays at 10:30)
English: Sundays to Thursdays at 11:00
(in July and August also on Fridays at 11:00)
French: Tuesdays at 11:00
Tours are included in admission fee.
Tours are not available on holidays and holiday eves.

To get to the Citadel take bus No 6, 20, or 27 from the Central Bus Station in Jerusalem to Jaffa Gate.

Western Wall Tunnel

Western Wall Tunnel

Descend into the Jewish nation's history in the 322-meter underground tunnel, at the spot closest to where the Temple once stood. The Western Wall Tunnel was discovered 150 years ago, but was only opened to the general public in 1984. In 1996, the exit from the tunnel to the Via Dolorosa was breached. A visit to the tunnel is an experience that will fill visitors with awe, as it combines mythical forces, legends, history and politics – all in the spot closest to the remnants of the Holy Temple. The underground tunnels span the length of the Western Wall, under the homes in the Old City of Jerusalem's Muslim Quarter. The site contains spaces that have been connected to allow visitors to pass between the different splendid structures and the homes from the era of the Second Temple, the foundations of the Crusader church and buildings from the Middle Ages, wells, quarries, a canal from the Hasmonean period and more. The Western Wall is recognized as a 62-meter remnant of the Temple, though the tunnels reveal that it actually extends 488 meters. A tour of the tunnels begins at the entrance gate adjacent to the Western Wall platform, through a passageway to the largest of the tunnel halls, which contains a model of the Temple Mount, Temple and Muslim Quarter. Continue towards the Western Wall itself, which displays a building method unique to the Herodian Era, an imprecise style that grants the Western Wall a particularly impressive look, with engineering reinforcement. Visitors pass to Warren's Gate, which is now blocked with cement, but was one of the four gates to the Temple Mount during the Second Temple period, through which individuals could reach the Holy of the Holies (Kodesh Hakodashim): The Foundation Stone from which, according to the Jewish faith, the world was created and on which the Holy Arc stood in the First and Second Temples. At the end of the tunnel, visitors reach a Herodian street, with the original stones still intact, that was used by the city's upper class, merchants and Roman monarchy. From there, visitors continue on to the stunning Hasmonean canal from the second century B.C.E., at the end of which they reach the Lark Pool, under the Congregation of Notre-Dame de Sion; another right turn in the short tunnel will lead to the Via Dolorosa in the Old City. Entrance to the Western Wall Tunnel must be coordinated in advance, and is available for groups of up to 30 people, which must be accompanied a guide. Individuals can join groups (cost: NIS 7-18). The site is closed on Saturdays. For more information and to coordinate a visit, call 02-627-1333.

Jerusalem in the time of the Second Temple

Jerusalem in the time of the Second Temple

A Journey following Jerusalem in the time of the Second Temple The Second Temple period, between 538 BCE and 70 CE is considered to be a time of Jerusalem's glory. This is due to the magnificent castles and walls that were built in the city, especially towards the end of the 600 years, with the rise of King Herod. The temple, built in 516 BCE by the Jews returning to Zion after the Babylonian exile was the heart of the city till its destruction in 70 CE. Having said that, one must understand, that the political and social situation in those days was extremely complex, with so many different religious streams trying to get hold of the spiritual leadership in Jerusalem, it seems that the rip inside the Jews, was what inevitably brought to Jerusalem's destruction by the Romans. This suggested tour follows some of the archeological milestones of the time through the old city and its surroundings, which give light to the historical period and political background of the time as well. Probably the best way to start off the journey would be by visiting the Model of Jerusalem in the late second Temple Period, located at the Israel Museum. The model, which is the size of 2,000 square meters at a 1:50 ratio, displays the entire city at that time from a birds view, showing off the temple and the roads and buildings surrounding it. After having seen the model and understanding the destruction the city went through (by comparison to what's left today) it's time to go to the Old City. Entering through Jaffa gate, we will already be able to see parts of the Second temple's time architecture. Originally believed to have been built by King David, the Tower of David situated at the entrance to the old city, was actually built during the time of the second temple by the Hashmonaim, as noted by Josephus Flavius, a historian who lived in the time of the great revolt. Later on it received a face lift and two more towers around it, as part of Herod's plans of glorifying the city. After the destruction of the city once more, the ancient citadel continued to serve the Romans as barracks for their soldiers. Throughout the years, the tower had been destructed and reconstructed by many, yet still the lower layers of the tower and of the old wall, are genuine to the period. Passing the tower, we head to the Jewish Quarter to the Wahl Museum of Archeology, also known as the Herodian Suburb. The museum depicts life in the time of the second temple in Jerusalem. Original mosaics, stone tools and various objects of art portray the high quality of life experienced at the time in the city. In order to complete the picture it's recommended to continue to the excavated Burnt House, said to have been burned by the Romans, where you can watch a 12 minute audio–visual presentation about the political and social events which led to the house's burning. Ending the tour near the western wall, you can either choose to walk underground through the Western Wall Tunnels, where you can take a tour of the most ancient layers of the wall, or walk above ground in the area of The Archeological Garden of Jerusalem. There you can see the excavated Robinson's Arch which once stood at the southwestern corner of the Temple Mount as well as the old market street and the steps that used to lead to the temple up until 70 CE.

The Temple Institute's Holy Temple Museum

The Temple Institute's Holy Temple Museum

The Temple Institute's Holy Temple Museum is a museum about the Temple-ready sacred vessels created by the Institute, the garments of the High Priest, oil-paintings depicting aspects of the Divine service of the Holy Temple, and a model of the Holy Temple Complex. The museum also includes a spacious gift shop. Location: 40 Misgav Ladach St., Jewish Quarter (Directly above the Yehudah HaLevi stairs which lead from the Jewish Quarter to the Western Wall Plaza.)

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