Nahal Og Reserve
The Negev travel guideThe reserve has two parts: in the west the Nahal Og Reserve, which covers about 13,000 dunams, and in the east the Reserve in the Advantage of Og, which covers an area of about 9,000 dunams. The reserve includes the area of the ridges east of the Jerusalem mountains to the Dead Sea Rift. The ridges rise c. 200 m above sea level and descend to a height of c. 370 m below sea level.
The Nahal Og Reserve is located in the north of the Judean Desert, south of Road 1, between Mishor Adumim in the west and the Dead Sea Road in the east (Road 90).
Ogg observation: In the Nahal Og parking lot, about 1.5 km south of the Almog junction. A beautiful view of the Jericho steppe and the area of benefits
Two ancient roads pass through the reserve: the Sugar Road (Darb a-Soker) and Darb Rajib. The sugar road descends from the Ma’ale Adumim area to Bir Malki and ends at Nabi Musa. During the Crusader and Mamluk periods, the main road passed from Jerusalem to Jericho. In those days Jericho was a major center of sugar production, hence the name of the road. According to Christian tradition, this area linked Jerusalem to the baptismal site in Jordan. An ancient section of road, perhaps part of the Sugar Road, is found in the advantages of marl, on the south bank of the Og River.