Tel Aviv – World Heritage Site
Tel Aviv travel guideUNESCO, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, proclaimed ” The White City”, the unique urban and historical fabric of Tel Aviv-Jaffa, as a World Cultural Heritage site. By this proclamation, the world recognized the special architectural qualities of the buildings, streets, squares and avenues of Tel Aviv.
Tel Aviv, the first Hebrew city in modern times, was founded in 1909 and was built on the sand dunes north of the ancient port city of Jaffa. Its style was innovative, tailored to the needs of its residents, to their life styles and the climatic conditions of the region. “The White City”, the world’s largest grouping of buildings in the International Style, also known as Bauhaus, was planned by the famous Scot, Sir Patrick Geddes. About 4,000 buildings were constructed in this area, beginning in the 1930’s until the establishment of the State of Israel. The “White City” is located between Allenby Street in the south, Begin Road and Ibn Gvirol Street in the east, the Yarkon River in the north, and the Mediterranean Sea in the west.
The buildings of “The White City” were designed by Jewish architects, who had studied in Europe before their immigration to Palestine, which later became the State of Israel. This group created a new architectural language, which is rich and diverse, characterized by its asymmetry, functionality and simplicity. The balconies, building pillars, flat roofs and “thermometer” windows became the trademarks of the city.
“The White City” is the story of Tel Aviv, from its beginning to today and is a wonderful opportunity to savor the experience of life in Tel Aviv, in the past and the present.